Tom’s Furniture is always looking to buy great and unique pieces of furniture, lighting, framed art, mirrors, vintage clothing and collectibles. Whether it’s Great Aunt Tilly’s buffet or that sofa that you love but just won’t fit into your new living room, as long as it’s clean and in good condition we are interested in looking at it. But, because we receive so many calls from people with things to sell, we ask that you send photos of the items you’d like us to consider to our email address.
Items that we buy must be in re-sellable condition (not broken or missing parts). If they are run by electricity we prefer they work. Some things are not currently marketable, and while they may have sentimental value to you, they might not have retail value for us.
People always ask what our consignment fee is. We don’t have one. That’s because we don’t consign items; we buy everything outright. And that’s a win-win for you and for us!
The way to contact our buyer about the things you would like to sell is by email. Simply click on the link below and use your email account to send photographs along with descriptions and your contact info. You can send them by computer or from your tablet or phone. Descriptions should include the item’s dimensions (for furniture, mirrors and art), and any other helpful information you may have including age, manufacturer, and provenance (if known). Our buyer checks emails as time permits, and will get back to you if he is interested in buying your items. Please allow 10 to 14 days for a response.
PLEASE NOTE: Several people have said that they couldn’t get their emails to us using i-Cloud. We’re sorry for this inconvenience, and we ask that you use a secondary email account on a different email service if you have one. Examples are: Outlook, Gmail, Rocketmail, AOL, or others.
After you send your email, you will receive an auto-generated reply confirming that we received your email. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check the address.
Email: tomsfurniture@comcast.net
Thank you for your interest in selling your gently used, quality furnishings to Tom’s!